4th Edition of the International Conference on Oil, Gas and Petroleum Engineers
It is my honor and pleasure to invite you to a wide spectrum presentations, ideas and innovations from highly qualified multinational scientists and engineers. The 4th Edition of the International Conference on Oil, Gas and Petroleum Engineers hybrid convention will delve into explore the hydrocarbon potentials and future. The long human history of using oil and gas as an energy source still prevails in spite of the opposing calls. Salt and Oil are two raw materials that have advanced mankind from living in caves to the current majestic cities. Salt for good health and early food preservation and oil for heating and transportation. Therefore, salt and oil are inherently rooted. The interaction between the sedimentary reservoir beds and the salt mass sheds light on the exploration risk and drilling challenges. We are in a crossroad situation, of producing oil and on the other hand fighting CO2 effect. Green energy is in the infant phase and cannot suddenly replaces hydrocarbon as an energy source and petrochemical manufacturing .