HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.
Speaker at Oil and Gas Conferences - Khosraw Ubaidy
China university of Petroleum, Belgium
Title : Simulation of fluid flow in the enhanced geothermal system and coupled thermal hydro-mechanical modeling


Emphasizing their integration to maximize energy output, we will explore the complex interaction between Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) and heavy oil reserves during the presentation. The conversation will start with an overview of EGS, a rather recent but rapidly rising energy source's importance within the framework of renewable energy. Although geothermal energy is becoming more and more popular, crude oil is still the main fuel used hence innovative technologies are needed to harmonize these energy systems for effective generation of steam, oil, and electricity.

The fundamental focus of the talk will be on a three-dimensional, three-phase numerical model meant to replicate steam injection in heavy oil reservoirs. This model incorporates a new control equation catered to the thermal fluid characteristics of heavy oil reservoirs, therefore addressing the difficulties of heat and mass transport post-EGS fracturing. This equation uses a nonlinear mechanics model of elasticity and plasticity in sand fractures and matrices to consider the dynamic conditions during heavy oil steam flooding.


Using both rectangular and circular fracture models, we will investigate the application of the finite volume approach to replicate EGS water-flood recovery. This section of the work generates a coupled mathematical model for EGS heat removal and steam injection flooding in heavy oil, therefore producing an effective numerical simulation framework. We will emphasize how well this model designs and maximizes the co-development of heavy oil reserves and EGS.

The sensitivity and optimization study of EGS under several conditions—such as well spacing, injection volume, temperature, and reservoir permeability—will occupy a good share of the presentation. These studies seek to meet thermal energy needs and improve heat extraction efficiency. Real-world EGS field examples will be used to apply the outcomes of these research, therefore illustrating how sensitivity analysis enhances conventional field optimization results.


We will also go over how best to identify ideal well spacings using simulations, stressing the part horizontal wells play in secondary recovery for both systems. First running turbines to generate energy, the procedure entails injecting surface water to create steam. With another well drawing the oil, the leftover steam is subsequently used to improve heavy oil flow in a horizontal well.

Additionally, discussed will be the application of reservoir modelling tools from Computer-Modelling Group, Inc.'s (CMG) for operations planning and forecasting. These instruments enable the prediction of technical and engineering results, therefore guaranteeing consistent output of steam, oil, and energy. Developed mathematical models in this work will be presented to show characteristics like initial concentration, fracture length, surface water injection rate, steam generation, reservoir energy, and oil production.

Finally, under stressing the need of integrated modelling and simulation to maximize energy production and improve the viability of renewable energy sources in combination with conventional fuels, the presentation will offer a thorough review of the synergistic potential between EGS and heavy oil recovery systems.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The audience will discover how Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) may be coupled with heavy oil reservoirs to maximize energy production and improve oil recovery.
  • The creation and use of a three-dimensional, three-phase numerical model for simulating steam injection in heavy oil reservoirs, hence addressing heat and mass transport post-EGS fracturing, will be discussed in two points of view.
  • Development of coupled mathematical models for effective simulation helps one to understand how to apply the finite volume method for simulating EGS water-flood recovery and steam injection floods.
  • The relevance and technique of doing sensitivity and optimization analysis under different reservoir conditions to improve heat extraction efficiency and satisfy thermal energy needs are discussed here.
  • Using the reservoir simulation tools of Computer-Modeling Group, Inc.'s (CMG) will help one forecast and plan energy, steam, and oil production operations.
  • Audience members can employ the integrated EGS and heavy oil recovery approaches to construct more efficient energy producing systems, therefore optimizing resource utilization and improving project outcomes. By simulating complicated reservoir interactions using the explored numerical models and finite volume methodologies, they can improve forecasting accuracy and decision-making. Applying sensitivity and optimization analysis techniques can help reservoirs to be managed more efficiently, thereby optimizing heat extraction and satisfying energy needs sustainably. By using CMG simulation tools, one will be able to better forecast and plan operations, hence lowering uncertainty and strengthening project planning.

    Effective resource management and well-considered designs can result in notable cost savings during the development as well as the operational stages. Combining conventional and renewable energy sources helps the shift to more sustainable energy systems, therefore lowering the carbon footprint. The audience will become more competent in their domains by acquiring thorough technical knowledge in nonlinear mechanics, heat transfer, and mass transfer in reservoir systems. Enhanced simulation and forecasting powers contribute to early identification of possible problems, so enabling proactive risk management and guaranteeing project success.

    Indeed, this study offers a strong structure for other faculty members to increase their output of research or instruction. Rich material for academic investigation and curriculum creation comes from the combination of EGS with heavy oil recovery, the advanced numerical modeling approaches, and sensitivity and optimization analysis application. Using these approaches, faculty members can investigate fresh directions of engineering design, sustainability, and energy resource management.
    The approaches covered clearly offer a foundation for planning and optimizing energy systems, hence lowering complexity and raising efficiency. Better planning and execution follow from designers' accurate prediction of system behaviors made possible by the use of advanced simulation tools and techniques. Understanding how to combine EGS with heavy oil recovery will help designers create more complete and sustainable energy generating systems that fit with contemporary energy targets.

  • Audience members can employ the integrated EGS and heavy oil recovery approaches to construct more efficient energy producing systems, therefore optimizing resource utilization and improving project outcomes. By simulating complicated reservoir interactions using the explored numerical models and finite volume methodologies, they can improve forecasting accuracy and decision-making. Applying sensitivity and optimization analysis techniques can help reservoirs to be managed more efficiently, thereby optimizing heat extraction and satisfying energy needs sustainably. By using CMG simulation tools, one will be able to better forecast and plan operations, hence lowering uncertainty and strengthening project planning.

    Effective resource management and well-considered designs can result in notable cost savings during the development as well as the operational stages. Combining conventional and renewable energy sources helps the shift to more sustainable energy systems, therefore lowering the carbon footprint. The audience will become more competent in their domains by acquiring thorough technical knowledge in nonlinear mechanics, heat transfer, and mass transfer in reservoir systems. Enhanced simulation and forecasting powers contribute to early identification of possible problems, so enabling proactive risk management and guaranteeing project success.

    Indeed, this study offers a strong structure for other faculty members to increase their output of research or instruction. Rich material for academic investigation and curriculum creation comes from the combination of EGS with heavy oil recovery, the advanced numerical modeling approaches, and sensitivity and optimization analysis application. Using these approaches, faculty members can investigate fresh directions of engineering design, sustainability, and energy resource management.
    The approaches covered clearly offer a foundation for planning and optimizing energy systems, hence lowering complexity and raising efficiency. Better planning and execution follow from designers' accurate prediction of system behaviors made possible by the use of advanced simulation tools and techniques. Understanding how to combine EGS with heavy oil recovery will help designers create more complete and sustainable energy generating systems that fit with contemporary energy targets.

  • Indeed, this study offers a strong structure for other faculty members to increase their output of research or instruction. Rich material for academic investigation and curriculum creation comes from the combination of EGS with heavy oil recovery, the advanced numerical modeling approaches, and sensitivity and optimization analysis application. Using these approaches, faculty members can investigate fresh directions of engineering design, sustainability, and energy resource management.
    The approaches covered clearly offer a foundation for planning and optimizing energy systems, hence lowering complexity and raising efficiency. Better planning and execution follow from designers' accurate prediction of system behaviors made possible by the use of advanced simulation tools and techniques. Understanding how to combine EGS with heavy oil recovery will help designers create more complete and sustainable energy generating systems that fit with contemporary energy targets.


Dr. Khosraw Ubaidy completed his bachelor’s degree in geology and mining resources exploration at Balkh University, Afghanistan, and obtained his degree in 2010. Subsequently, he collaborated with the China National Petroleum Corporation on the Amudarya project in Afghanistan. Due to his notable accomplishments and diligent efforts, he was awarded a scholarship by the aforementioned firm to pursue a master's degree at China University of Petroleum (Beijing). He successfully completed his studies and obtained a Master of Science degree in 2016. He began working as a capacity building and trainer in China oil while also completing his PhD degree at the same institution in 2022. In addition, he is collaborating with the aforementioned company as a trainer and capacity developer for both international and domestic employees of the organization.
