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Speaker at Petroleum Conferences - Abhishek Prajapati
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Title : Underground coal gasification: Unlocking the potential of India's coal resources


Underground coal gasification (UCG) represents a promising technology for addressing the world's growing energy needs while mitigating environmental impacts. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of UCG, emphasizing its potential and relevance in the Indian context. As India holds the fifth-largest coal reserves globally, integrating UCG into its energy infrastructure could significantly enhance energy security and sustainability. The UCG process involves the in-situ conversion of coal into syngas through controlled combustion, eliminating the need for traditional mining. This method offers several advantages, including reduced surface disturbance, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and access to deep or un-mineable coal seams. However, successfully implementing UCG requires overcoming technical, environmental, and regulatory challenges.

This paper reviews the current state of UCG technology, detailing recent advancements and innovations that have improved efficiency and safety. We explore various gasification techniques with a focus on the types of coal seams prevalent in India. The potential environmental impacts of UCG, such as groundwater contamination and land subsidence, are assessed alongside mitigation strategies and best practices. Case studies from pilot projects are presented to illustrate successful applications and lessons learned. Safety and risk management play a vital role in UCG operations. This paper examines the risks associated with UCG, including gas leakage and explosions, and provides recommendations for enhancing safety protocols and regulatory frameworks.

Finally, the paper discusses the potential applications of syngas produced through UCG in India, including power generation, industrial use, and chemical production. The integration of UCG with India’s existing energy infrastructure and the role of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies in reducing the carbon footprint is also explored. In conclusion, UCG offers significant opportunities for India’s energy sector, providing a pathway to cleaner and more efficient utilization of its vast coal reserves. This paper underscores the need for continued research, technological development, and international collaboration to realize the full potential of UCG in India.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • Raising awareness about the potential of UCG to contribute to sustainable energy solutions, particularly in coal-rich regions like India.
  • Faculty and researchers can incorporate the case studies and technologies into their research and teaching, fostering further exploration and development in the field.
  • Engineers and project managers can apply the knowledge from UCG pilot projects about UCG techniques to their projects, ensuring safer and more efficient operations.
  • Encouraging innovation and technological development in underground gasification and related areas
  • This highlights the potential for UCG to reduce environmental impact compared to traditional coal mining and combustion, which contributes to cleaner energy production


Abhishek Prajapati is pursuing his PhD in Petroleum Engineering under the guidance of Professor Rajesh Nair at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India. He transitioned to the PhD program after upgrading his MTech at IIT Madras. Abhishek completed his BTech in Petroleum Engineering from the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology in 2018. Throughout his academic career, he has been a meritorious student, earning various scholarships for his outstanding achievements. He has also held several positions of responsibility, including serving as the Vice President of the RGIPT SPE Student Chapter.
