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Speaker at Oil and Gas Conferences - Siaka Toure
LASMES, UFR SSMTT, Felix Houphouet-Boigny University of Abidjan Cocody, Cote d'Ivoire, Cote d'Ivoire
Title : An experimental study of fuel production from waste motor oil and waste plastics


The production of waste plastics is very important in Côte d’Ivoire. The city of Abidjan alone produces 280 tons per day. Only 10 % of these wastes are collected to be recycled. The remaining wastes are abandoned in landfills and everywhere. These waste plastics are non-biodegradable so that they cause serious environmental problems for humans (when they enter in food chain after photo- degradation), animals, rivers, oceans and marine life. A solution of the conversion of those waste plastics is their thermal liquefaction after their melting followed by a condensing its vapour in fractional distillation towers. Some experiments have already been made in that way, for instance to get aviation fuel. In our case, some experiments were made to convert waste plastics into liquid hydrocarbon fuels. . In some other experiments that we made, waste motor oil was heated and its vapour was condensed to get liquid fuels. Both wastes contain hydrocarbon polymers.  In both cases, waste motor oil is the energy source. We built a fractional distiller to get the liquid hydrocarbon fuels. This work reports the results obtained after the thermal degradation of waste motor oil, into three liquid fractions. The density of each fraction was measured, that indicated the nature of the hydrocarbons obtained. One of the fraction, which is diesel, was successfully used as energy source of a motorcycle and a diesel electric generator.


Prof. Siaka Touré studied at the Abidjan University, in Côte d’Ivoire, then at Bordeaux University in France. He is full Professor at the Felix Houphouet-Boigny University of Abidjan Cocody. He was involved in X ray crystallography from 1975 to 1980. Then since 1980, he is involved in researches in the different fields of renewable energy, mainly in solar energy (thermal and photovoltaic), wind energy, biomass energy, fuel cells, and vanadium redox battery. He is also involved in researches aiming to convert different wastes into fuel. He has published more than 60 articles in several peer-reviewed journals.
