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Speaker at Petroleum Conferences - Madina
Satbayev University, Kazakhstan
Title : Biologically active compositions of humic acid copolymers and plant-based sorbents for remediation of oil-contaminated soils


This study is devoted to the evaluation of the efficiency of using composite compositions of biologically active polymeric forms of humic acid and carbonised rice husk (biochar, biochar) in the processes of oil-contaminated soil remediation. High-quality sorbent of plant origin biochar ‘Nanocarbosorb ERSH-1’ on the basis of rice husk was developed by LLP NPTC ‘Zhalin’ (Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty). Due to its composition biochar improves soil structure, microorganisms viability, enriches the soil with nutrients, increases water capacity, water permeability and provides strong and healthy growth of plants. Due to its silica content it has a favourable effect on the growth of agricultural crops, is effective in preventing salt accumulation in the soil and harm from repeated sowing of one crop [1]. Biochar, having high sorption capacity, effectively retains petroleum products, preventing their migration into plant tissues. Polymeric forms of humic acids stimulate growth and development of plants, increase their resistance to various factors and non-specific stress effects. Experimental studies were conducted on soils with oil content in the range of 0.2-20% mas. The efficiency of using carbonised rice husk as a purifying sorbent in complex with developed polymeric forms of humic acids and seed treatment with different components was revealed. It was found that the joint treatment of soil with biologically active compositions accelerates the mass germination of seeds of perennial grasses of legume family (alfalfa, sainfoin) up to 4 days, promotes the formation of developed root system and ground systems of plants, increases the intensity of shoot growth. number and mass of leaves. Grasses were distinguished by high stem growth and bright colour of leaves. The root system of alfalfa developed faster than the aboveground mass, with plant roots reaching 50 cm. The highest plant height values were observed in sainfoin (plant height reached 67 cm, root system length 28-50 cm), which is important for increasing forage crop yields. The work was performed at the expense of the program-targeted funding of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2024-2026 [BR24992868] [1] Carbon silicon containing sorbents from plant fibre for efferent therapy: monograph/S.H.Aknazarov, N.A.Abykaev, A.A.Zeynullin, M.E.Kulmanov, S.T.Tuleukhanov, Sh.A.Tuleibaeva, O.Y.Golovchenko; undergeneraleditorshipof  S.H.Aknazarov.Almaty:Kazakuniversity.2021.-450c, ISBN 978-601-04-5634-1


Madina studied Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Satbayev University and graduated with a bachelor's degree in 2023. In the same year, she continued her studies in a master's program specializing in Chemical Engineering of Hydrocarbon Compounds. During her undergraduate studies, she actively participated in scientific research and won first place in a student competition with her project on "Ionic Liquids in Motor Fuels." In 2022, she was awarded the Fleur scholarship. As part of her master's studies, she completed a research internship at Istanbul Gedik University, Turkey. She gained laboratory experience working as an assistant at the Engineering Profile Laboratory of Satbayev University. Currently, she holds the position of a chemist-laboratory assistant and junior researcher at the university’s research laboratory. Her research focuses on petroleum studies, oil purification technologies, and the remediation of biogeocenoses in Kazakhstan's ecology.
