Title : Comprehensive assessment of the algae biofuels potential to lead the energy transition in oil and gas export-dependent economies
As the global push for sustainable energy intensifies, biofuels are emerging as a compelling alternative to fossil fuels, particularly for decarbonizing sectors like transportation. Among these, algae biofuel stands out, as a potential new energy source able to transform combustion engines into near-zero-emission systems. Algae biofuels have beneficial properties —high yields, low land demands, high growth rate, high energy density, cetane number compatible to the existing internal combustion engine – that give them an edge over traditional biofuels like ethanol or crop-based biodiesel. Moreover, the higher lipid content results in a cleaner, more efficient combustion with a less soot and retrofitting opportunities for today’s fleets. This research study will discuss last advances in photobioreactors and genetic engineering for boosting algae’s production and will present strategies to bring costs down and scalability up. Moreover, the lifecycle of algae will be analyzed and results of both previous case studies and new pilot projects will be presented in order to improved algae cultivation and to enable the large-scale use of this biofuels in order to reach carbon-neutrality, reducing CO and NOx emissions and improving performance. Furthermore, techniques to scale algae biofuels keeping it affordable, and integrating it with current energy infrastructure will be introduced and the role of energy policy and innovation in bridging the still existing gaps to their application will be tackled. Finally, results will assess the potential of algae biofuels to lead the Energy Transition in Oil and Gas Export-Dependent Economies showing how the use of this new biofuel will impact of GHG emissions and how it can revolutionize fossil fuel dependent countries’ energy markets.