HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Valencia, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.
Speaker at Oil and Gas Conferences - Tofique Ahmed
Tofique Ahmed, Pakistan
Title : Optimization of castor and neem biodiesel blends and development of empirical models to predicts its characteristics


The main objective of the present study is to make different blends of neem and castor biodiesel in order to eliminate the deficiency of the higher cloud point and pour point in case of neem biodiesel and higher kinematic viscosity and density in case of castor biodiesel. The extracted castor and neem seed oil were first converted into biodiesel through transesterification. Then raw biodiesel and their blends were analyzed for their kinematic viscosity, density, specific gravity, flash point, fire point and cloud point and pour point as per standard methods. As per results, based on the ASTM biodiesel standard, the blend of biodiesel containing 50% of each constituent was found optimum. The kinematic viscosity, density, cloud and pour point of the optimum blend were 5.83 cSt, 896 kg/m3, 5°C, and −4°C, respectively. Moreover, an empirical model was also developed to predict the characteristics of castor and neem biodiesel blends as the function of the blend ratio.


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