Title : Advancing crude oil processing: Determination of stability and compatibility using innovative methods
The modern refining industry faces an increasing need to blend different types of crude oil to enhance economic efficiency and ensure energy security. Selecting appropriate raw materials requires precise assessments of crude oil stability and compatibility. This study presents the results of research conducted on more than 100 various crude oil types and their blends sourced from different regions worldwide. Stability and compatibility analyses were performed using P-value, S-value, SARA, Turbiscan and several optical/microscopic methods. The findings confirm that no single universal method exists for effectively determining these properties. Each technique provides valuable information and should be used complementarily. Key parameters influencing asphaltene destabilization were identified, and optimal analytical conditions for different techniques were determined. The research findings are significant for refineries worldwide, as they enable the development of a predictive model to assist in crude oil and heavy fuel selection. This model will allow refineries to quickly and accurately identify potential blending issues, reducing technological downtime risks while aligning with circular economy principles advancing crude oil processing at the same time.