A biorefinery can be stated as a facility that incorporates biomass conversion methods and equipment to produce fuels, electricity, and value-added chemicals. Biorefineries are similar to today's petroleum refineries, which create a variety of fuels and products from crude oil. Biorefineries and bio-based products are essential for lowering global emissions and decarbonizing our energy systems. Biorefineries can assist in maximizing the energy potential of organic wastes while also addressing waste management and greenhouse gas emissions issues.
Energy demand is predicted to rise significantly in the next few years, and it is commonly acknowledged that alternative, sustainable solutions will be required to meet those demands. Biofuel works in the same way as nonrenewable fossil fuels do.
Bioenergy is energy produced from plant and animal organic matter, such as agricultural and forest residues, energy crops, wood, and organic wastes. Bioenergy accounts for about ten percent of total global energy demand. Bioenergy development offers a great opportunity to diversify agricultural production systems while reducing GHG emissions and achieving fossil-fuel independence.
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Selim Sanad Shaker, Geopressure Analysis Services, United States
Title : Unlocking GHG reduction potential and enhanced oil recovery with direct contact steam generation technology: A case study in Lloydminster, Canada
Amr Hassan, General Energy Recovery Inc. (GERI), Canada
Title : Mature field evaluation and redevelopment case histories and lessons
Sharma Dronamraju, AKD Professional Solutions Inc., United States
Title : An experimental study of fuel production from waste motor oil and waste plastics
Siaka Toure, LASMES, UFR SSMTT, Felix Houphouet-Boigny University of Abidjan Cocody, Cote d'Ivoire, Cote d'Ivoire
Title : An experimental investigation into the interplay of temperature and surfactant type on the rheological behavior, stability, and structure of foams
Abbas Najafi, National Iranian South Oil Company(NISOC, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Title : Advancements in vacuum insulated technologies for energy efficiency and sustainable temperature sensitive logistics
Saim Memon, Sanyou London Pvt Ltd, United Kingdom