One of the most important components is data from the oil and gas industry. Data is likewise crude. It's valuable, but it can't be used if it's not purified. Every day, most organizations deal with a large volume of data. They evaluate them and try to come up with new solutions. Big Data analytics has piqued the interest of the oil and gas industry. A successful oil company will forecast potential information promptly and maintain costs low in order to achieve success without losing any discrepancy in the data set's appraisal. The quality of the data and an insight of the problem's complexity are two more difficult aspects to overcome when using Big Data.
Title : Salt basins exploration risks: The good, bad and ugly
Selim Sanad Shaker, Geopressure Analysis Services, United States
Title : Mature field evaluation and redevelopment case histories and lessons
Sharma Dronamraju, AKD Professional Solutions Inc., United States
Title : Transforming waste plastic into renewable hydrogen: a review of progress, challenges and future directions through pyrolysis, distillation and hydrotreatment process
Nur Hassan, Central Queensland University, Australia
Title : Innovative Flaring Reduction: Transitioning offshore gas platforms to maintenance flaring
Ramy Elzeiny, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
Title : Improving oil removal from produced water: A comparative study of granular media in depth filtration
Mauricio Carvalho Matheus, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Title : Environmental risk communication for the oil, gas, and petroleum industries
Anthony J Sadar, Environmental Science Communication, LLC, United States