Long-distance transportation of a liquid or gas over a network of pipes—a pipeline—to a market location for consumption is known as pipeline transport. Steel or plastic tubes are used to construct oil pipelines, which are normally buried. Oil is transported through pipelines by pump stations located along the route. Natural gas (and other gaseous fuels) is compressed into liquids called Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs). Carbon steel is used to construct natural gas pipelines. When compared to road or rail, pipelines are one of the safest ways to carry materials.
Natural gas, like the majority of other commodities, can be stored indefinitely. Natural gas exploration, production, and transportation take time, and the gas that arrives at its destination isn't necessarily needed straight away, so it's pumped into underground storage facilities. Depleted gas reservoirs, aquifers, and salt caverns are the three main types of underground storage
Title : Salt basins exploration risks: The good, bad and ugly
Selim Sanad Shaker, Geopressure Analysis Services, United States
Title : Unlocking GHG reduction potential and enhanced oil recovery with direct contact steam generation technology: A case study in Lloydminster, Canada
Amr Hassan, General Energy Recovery Inc. (GERI), Canada
Title : Mature field evaluation and redevelopment case histories and lessons
Sharma Dronamraju, AKD Professional Solutions Inc., United States
Title : An experimental study of fuel production from waste motor oil and waste plastics
Siaka Toure, LASMES, UFR SSMTT, Felix Houphouet-Boigny University of Abidjan Cocody, Cote d'Ivoire, Cote d'Ivoire
Title : An experimental investigation into the interplay of temperature and surfactant type on the rheological behavior, stability, and structure of foams
Abbas Najafi, National Iranian South Oil Company(NISOC, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Title : Advancements in vacuum insulated technologies for energy efficiency and sustainable temperature sensitive logistics
Saim Memon, Sanyou London Pvt Ltd, United Kingdom